Silicone Electrical Sleeving

Produced in 60° Shore A hardness as standard, our silicone electrical sleeving is commonly used for electrical insulation MVQ silicone sleevings have excellent insulating properties over a wide temperature range. 

Our sleeving is not just restricted to insulation applications. In fact, there are thousands of uses for this versatile material.

Float rubbers and lures, widely used in the fishing industry demonstrate the diversity to which MVQ sleevings can be put to good use.

MVQ coloured silicone sleeving is compliant to FDA, Bfr, WRAS and KTW standards. Standard colours are red, orange, blue, yellow, green, brown, translucent, black and white. These tubes are available in inside diameters from 0.5mm to 5mm with walls from 0.5mm to 1.5mm.


Property Condition Curing Agent E Curing Agent C1 Method
Appearance - transparent  transparent  -
Hardness Shore A - 60° ± 5 60° ± 5 DIN ISO 48-4
Density - 1.15 g/cm³ 1.15 g/cm³ DIN EN ISO 1183-1 A
Tensile strength - 11.0 N/mm² 11.0 N/mm² ISO 37 type 1
Elongation at break - 440 % 530 % ISO 37 type 1
Tear strength - 24 N/mm 26 N/mm ASTM D 624 B
Compression Set[1] 22 h | 175 °C 31 % 16 % -
Rebound resilience - 59 % 56 % ISO 4662


Volume resistivity1015 Ω cm
Dielectric strength23 KV/mm (1mm thick sample)
Dissipation factor tan s @ 50 c/s40.10-4
Dielectric constant @ 50 c/s2.9